I was going through some old photo albums at Tony's house, and convinced Mary and Tony to lend me some pictures of Tony and Charles Heitzman to share on the Blog. Although not shy, Tony and Mary are private people and I hope they enjoy these reproductions.

Charles Heitzman and Tony Paszterko sitting inside Charlie's famous library.

Charlie was interviewed many times over the years by scribes and writers while sitting on this very swing.

Tony in front of Charlie's breeding loft. Welded-wire had to be installed after a mink came through the dowelling and killed 30 or so pigeons.

Tony in front of Charlie's main racing loft. Note the settling baskets set on top of the loft.

Charlie sent out Christmas cards featuring his CHAMPION Head Wind.

Picture during a late fall visit to Charlies', Left to Right, Ray West, Charles Heitzman, and Tony Paszterko. One picture I regret I can't reproduce is of John Pfeiffer, Tony Paszterko, and Ray West standing on the stairway of Charlie's main racing loft.

Charlie was very proud of his library, and the collection of books and pigeon racing memorabilia contained inside this building.

These two pictures show the range of lofts owned by Charles Heitzman. Lot's of room and flexibility, something Tony adopted at home.

Memorials for Head-Wind, Hurry Home, and Heat-Wave, Charles Heitzman enjoyed using "H" for Heitzman when naming his CHAMPIONS.