TCC Loft - SION Family - Follow the LINKS in the right hand column

Monday, November 8, 2010

Heitzman's 161199

Progenitress of Many Winners. Bred by Paul Sion, Tourcoing, France and flown 300 kilometers three times as young bird. Imported by Charles Heitzman, Louisville, Ky.

This hen is of the genuine Red "SION" type, a most beautiful specimen. She is the mother of numerous winners up to 533 miles, and here is what Paul Sion says of her: "This Young Rouge colored hen has the best of my blood in her veins, and had three flights of 300 kilometers".

She is mother of Heitzman's Great Red Producer "3207" who bred "Black Beauty" "3616" 500 Day of Toss twice, never out over night in her life. "3615" (Nest-Mate to "3616") won 1st 150 Y.B. Race. "3207" also bred "5016". also 500 Day of Toss.

"161199" is Great Grand-Mother of "Morning Glory" "38084" First Diploma 500 Y.B. Race 1938 Early 2nd AM - Almost made it Day of Toss.

"161199" is Grand-mother of "5016" that Bred Louisville's first 600 mile youngster called "STASION" "38082", also winner of 1st 600 Trophy Race 1940. "161199" is also the Great Grand-mother of "894" Red Cock winner of 1st 500 Day of Toss and flew 600 Day of Toss a Week later and 500 2nd day after another week's rest. No Day Birds on this last 500.

In 1941 a Grand Daughter of "161199" won 1st diploma and pools in Louisville's 500 mile Combine Race, competing against all clubs in Louisville Combine.

The color of "161199" is very noticeable in the Heitzman loft and there are many Dark Reds, descended several Generations from her, but the color remains.

Numerous Long Distance Race Winners the country over are descended from this Great Red Hen.

Great Sion's of the past...
Picture and information taken from The A.R.P. News Year Book 1942